
What Makes a School Great
A great school is distinguished by a combination of factors that come up with a positive and effective learning environment according to GD Goenka Rohtak. While different stakeholders may prioritize certain aspects over others, below are the key elements that are often characterized with Top Boarding Schools in Delhi NCR: Effective Leadership: A powerful and visionary leadership is essential for setting the quality and direction of the school which can...
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Impact of smart devices have on a education
The Best Boarding School in Delhi NCR– GD Goenka Boarding School Rohtak enumerates that student’s education can have both positive and negative impact because of Smart Devices, depending on how they are used and merged into the learning environment. Here are some of the potential impacts: Positive Impacts: Access to Information:  A vast amount of information is provided to students with immediate access by Smart Devices which is specifically beneficial...
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Classroom Environment
Inclusivity in the classroom is more than a buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of effective education. Best Residential School in North India i.e. GD Goenka Boarding School Rohtak embraces diversity, values every student, and creates a holistic environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and respected. This article provides an extensive guide on how educators can create an inclusive classroom environment that enjoys diversity and promotes a sense of belongingness for...
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Best Boarding School in North India For Girls & Boys
GD Goenka International School Rohtak emerges as a radiant gem, illuminating the educational sphere and earning the esteemed best boarding school for boys and girls in India. Within its serene campus, GD Goenka Rohtak weaves dreams, fosters aspirations, and nurtures young minds, transcending conventional education. Academic Prowess: At GD Goenka Rohtak, academic excellence is a way of life. The school’s curriculum blends the best of global educational practices with a...
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Children are young impressionable minds who are overwhelmed with emotions, especially towards their parents, siblings and friends. Such emotions undergo change regularly as child grows and at every stage of life, such emotions need to be managed properly by parents and teachers for their complete development and mental growth and from a glorious career point of view too. This is what is called an ideal parenting, which is a challenging...
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