

It’s quite overwhelming task  to look for the best boarding school in Delhi NCR. This decision is a very thoughtful and tedious task. You’ll find so many options claiming to be the best in their areas. Obviously, it’s your child’s future so you won’t like to take a risk of trusting any unproven claims by...
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Whether it is our personal life or professional life, good communication always pays off. From better social networking to professional growth, a good communicator always stands above his peers. Those who communicate their ideas and knowledge in a better way, always thrive in their professional career. So, it is very important now to find ways...
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Lack of concentration impacts a lot on output whether the task is personal or professional. It’s not possible for a child to succeed in academics and sports with a lacking focus and concentration. Distractions are present all around and every time especially by digital gadgets and digital media.So, it’s the duty of parents and schools...
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Are you exploring International boarding schools in North India? If yes, then this post can help you out getting an idea of which one you should go with.We have created a list of 7 best boarding schools in north India taking into account some factors like:– Environment– Fees– Staff/Trainers– Sports– Board– ActivitiesThe list is based...
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Bullying is one of the most important concerns of all the residential schools in India. As we have stated in the past articles, bullying can take different forms unfortunately nowadays cyberbullying is very common all over the world. It is very important for you to understand and have a piece of proper knowledge regarding cybersecurity...
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Discipline is very important to maintain peace and integrity among the students and the school personnel. The school ranking in India is done by analyzing how disciplined a school student is basically. Discipline is very important for every student as it carves the student to become a successful person and in a decent way. School...
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In this era when technology is increasing day by day then we also has to update ourselves by adopting all the technologies timely. But when we talk about the schools, the pedagogy styles, teaching techniques, or tactics then they also need to get improved with this changing time. So International Boarding Schools are those who...
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Cyber security is one of the most important things that needed to be taught in every India International School. The reason why cyber security is so important for all the students to understand is because of the looming threats and drawbacks that have led to various severe conditions in the past and in order to...
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As we learned some key factors that make math an important aspect of our life, but we can’t even do mathematics even we don’t know the essence of education that is writing. Writing is very important in terms of learning as writing provides a logical imprint of all our learning. All the top schools in...
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As we have discussed in our past article, boarding schools in India offer many facilities to students and this makes the boarding schools so superior and different from the normal schools. Education is very important for all of us and it is necessary to take education from any kind of Institution because it will help...
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