Naveen Kadian


Education is very important for us as it helps us to focus on something that is very useful to us. One of the best parts about education is it’s free and everyone should have access to education. Learning is just as important as writing and proper schooling balance these two in an optimum way. One...
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In the last article, we discussed the various benefits of education and now we tell you why going to school is so important. There are many Top residential schools in India and every school has its own importance but culturally and educationally. One of the top school in Delhi is GD Goenka, Rohtak. GD Goenka,...
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In the last article, we discussed how can you make your school modern and how technology plays a vital role in shaping up the infrastructure of the school. We also discussed the various benefits of technology and how it made the future learning so easy and significant. It is so important for each of the...
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In the last article, we learned about the benefits of going to school and the benefits of learning different curriculums. The Top Boarding School of Haryana explore each subject very vastly so each student can enjoy learning. GD Goenka, Rohtak is one of the good boarding schools in India. We offer superior knowledge in each department....
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Studying is the most important part of anybody’s life and it is actually basic human rights. For studying you actually need a proper school with proper background and infrastructure and this is the most important part that you should actually consider while admitting your ward into a specific school. In the previous article, we talked...
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We covered the subject ‘what makes a teacher best for the kids’ in our last article in which we discussed what are the prime duties that make a teacher for the kids and why the teaching profession is so important for development and education. Teachers play a vital role in developing society and there are...
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We all know how much the world has changed and grown and one of the main reasons why this happened is because of the rise in technology. We have discussed many curriculum and their importance in the past’s articles so now we will elaborate on some of the important topics of each of the curriculum....
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Over the years, there have been a lot of significant changes in educational methods all around the world. If you look at the list of schools in Delhi and research about them, you will find that nearly all of them have started using newer and more efficient ways of teaching. Technological advancements in teaching are pretty amazing...
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Along with a good education, it is also necessary to provide better facilities to the students to encourage their study as well as confidence. Providing a suitable environment for a child helps them to easily cope up with teachers also with other students. Most of the people are enrolling their child in the top 10...
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Teaching is certainly one of the most complex and demanding jobs on the earth as teachers are responsible for nurturing future generations. Some of the best CBSE schools in India have been constantly trying to adapt to the latest trends of education by including numerous new strategies and innovations. Top 5 boarding schools in India like GD Goenka...
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