Teaching strategies to make learning easy for students

Teaching every student in a class in an effective way is a quite difficult job to do as students lose interest in the middle of the lessons and their mind keeps on diverting. To grab their attention and hold it throughout, the lesson requires you to practice some effective teaching strategies that could make your student learn easily. Schools like GD Goenka, Rohtak provide the systematic study structure to their students which help them to learn quickly without losing interest in their classes. They try out playful methods to teach their small age group students and smart technology methods to teach in higher education.

Strategies of teaching can be categorized for different age group students. Different age requires a different way of teaching as their minds are developed according to their age.

Strategies for small age group students (3 to 6 years)

    • Promote learning with objects and pictures – small children can remember things more when it is shown to them. If you are teaching them about shapes then show them the objects which are of different shapes. If you are teaching them about the animals, show them the pictures of every animal and try to detail it out with the basic things which are easier to remember. This is a very effective way to make the kids remember. Encourage them to color on big scrapbooks with other kids. This will give them knowledge about colors and help them to think about how to use the right color.


  • Promote learning through play – learning while playing is an excellent way to improve their cognitive power. It promotes physical exercise as well as a mental exercise. Children do not get bored in these classes and tend to learn more as compared to the normal class. You have to take care of every student and make everyone to take part in this. This will make them confident enough to speak for themselves. Include puzzle-solving activities to increase their thinking power. Give them homework which is fun and easy to do so that they are engaged in learning. Include games which can help them to improve their vocabulary and make sure you speak to them individually.

Big Age Group Students

    • Relate the topic with real life – if you are teaching your students constantly without giving any example related to their real-life chances are high that they will get bored soon. Avoid saying that they have to learn this to get marks instead tell them why they are being given knowledge about that particular topic. Suppose you are teaching them about discounting in math lecture then tell them that they should learn it because it is important in the future to calculate the bills and money. This will get them a strong motive to learn about the topic and they will take interest in it. Teaching with examples is also very important to make them understand more precisely.


    • Use technology – younger generation loves technology. Try using smart boards and smart tools to make your students learn. Usage of technology reduces your workload and physical task and it is a very effective way to make students engaged towards the board throughout the class. You can provide them good quality content for learning and expand their knowledge beyond the limitation of books. You can perform videoconferencing with different schools to make student learn more with the combined thoughts. This can expand the cooperative learning activity in your class. Try giving them projects which are based on presentations rather than papers and files.


  • Promote case study – the topics that are taught to the students can be remembered by them for a longer period if you encourage the case study method in your classroom. It helps the students to debate the situations while using real-life examples. The case study helps them to understand the topics in greater depth.
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