How the reservation has affected the education sector in India?

Reservation System in India

Reservation in India simply means reserving access to seats in government jobs, educational institutions and legislatures to certain sections of the population. Before 2019, the reservation was provided only on the basis of social and educational backwardness (caste) but after 103rd constitutional amendment, economic backwardness is also considered.

The first and foremost purpose of the reservation in India is advancement of SC, ST, OBC and EWS and then lie the other purpose which is to provide adequate representation of any backward class of citizens or economically weaker sections.

The objective of reservation is to resolve the historic oppression, inequality and discrimination suffered by them since ages.

The reservation in education has greatly impacted the lives of reserved category and unreserved category as well. GD Goenka Boarding School, Rohtak has taken the privilege to describe the advantages and challenges of reservation system in India.

Advantages of Reservation system:

1) Eradication of historical injustice:

The underprivileged sections of the society were mistreated in the past and has faced a lot of negligence and injustice, thus, the introduction of reservation system has empowered them and has carved the ways for their equal participation and involvement in the decision making of the country.

2) Provides equal opportunities:

The reservation system in the country has given equal opportunities to all the sections of the society which has resulted in achieving higher positions or services in both the public and private sectors. By this effort of the government, the underprivileged section of the society has a spark in their eyes and they are striving hard to gain importance in the society and work for themselves.

3) Equal Representation:

The equal representation of people from lower socio-economic groups has been established along with their increased participation in decision making processes. The system has motivated the lower sections of the society to follow their dreams and fulfill them.

4) Equal level of field:

Reservation has created the field of education and work at equal levels which was a challenge for the backward sections who have been historically disadvantaged in terms of education, financial, skills or economic mobility to suddenly compete with those who were filled with such resources from the very beginning.

Challenges of Reservation System:

1) Not required anymore:

Since majority of lower castes have stepped up the social ladder in the society and are experiencing the same status as compared to general population. Thus, most of the people believe that there is no need of reservation anymore.

2) Limited Solution:

The reservation system has a limited and short-term solution to the historical injustice issues. The government cannot count upon the system to eradicate the problem for forever. It is not the ultimate solution, there is a need to be more creative and innovative to solve the issue permanently.

3) Social Unrest:

The reservation system causes the social unrest amongst the public. The sound sections of the society also agitate for reservation which resulted in several deaths, chaos in transport system and other huge losses to the country.

4) Creating hindrances for the merit section:

The most famous system has now taken upto 50% reservation in the total seats which is impacting the lives of merit students who are more capable than the underprivileged section and is creating a bad image in their minds as well. Also, their opportunities are becoming narrower which is affecting their lives deeply.


The reservation in education has proved to be fruitful for the underprivileged section of the society and has greatly improved their social injustice behavior in the society. They are also given the equal opportunities by the government to study wherever and whatever they want which has raised their standard of living as well but this system has badly impacted the lives of unreserved category of the society. Their scope has become narrower in terms of getting admissions and jobs because of 50% reservation, the merit students are not getting admissions and jobs in the government and private sector as well. Deep down the eligible and intelligent young generation is becoming against the system and is moving towards abroad in search of better opportunities.

The Best Boarding School in India are thriving hard to create equality among the students in order to decrease the effects of reservation. They are trying to make each student capable of scoring high so that no student should have the feeling being sidelined due to reservation and similarly no student from underprivileged section should feel ignored and behind the quality education of the society.

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