GD Goenka International School Rohtak Announces Scholarship Program For Students Of Economically Weaker Families

What is education???????? let me give you some options,”’to bring out the most from the least, ability to read and write, to impart knowledge or to motivate and create future leader”. Like I said and I will be sticking to whatever I am speaking, hardly matter , how much the education is federal in nature but some way or there it is unitary in spirit,, it is and it will always be …But when it comes to our country, there is no doubt we are the one who are always lagging behind. Reasons are uncountable and we are the one who are behind these consequences.

There is an unequal distribution between the educational pattern and the masses, yet there are certain fruitful measures, which are being implemented for a positive initiative in this regard. It is pretty much oblivious, that we cannot bridge the gap in a one go., but what we can do is to minimize the gap in a best possible way. So , somebody has quoted such a remarkable line that…every long journey is started from a single step. So for some it may seem that it’s a small step but nobody knows it may turn out to be huge steps for the upliftment of the society.

So without any further delay, let me take you through certain variation in which , I will be elaborating everything in detail. Although our country is the leading producer of noted global leaders till date, yet the ground reality is too ferocious. Reason being our country’s population, whose major portion is below poverty line. Leave education , people are more concerned about their hunger and basic amenities. So over here the deserving , who are much more compatible are left behind , so for those , there must be a provision for a scholarship for those , who are not falling any minority community , but especially for those who are not that much financially sound.

Lot many discrimination have been made and are being made till date but to overcome that like discrimination between boys and girls, and that too in our male dominated country’s society, where girls are considered inferior in comparison to boys, so there has to -has to be a special provision for those sect and that too in remote areas, in order to fulfill their dream, so that whatever they have dreamt of turns out to be true. Their tender dream should not suffer in the absence of adequate resource.

Unequal distribution of educational system is accompanied by unequal but pathetic caste-system which is till date existing in our Indian society , resulting in the poor and pathetic condition of those, who really wanna carve out a niche on their own. So keeping these thing in mind, special funds for the members of minority community has to-has to be there and has to be allocated to them on urgent basis.

On one hand we are talking about equality, but right on the other side , what we are doing ???? to fulfill all those things…..NOTHINGS . So , hereby presenting the much awaited MP scholarship program , because what we feel is what we for that only we should cater to those areas , where there is a dearth in real…To bring out the most from the least , is what we are trying to bring from MP Scholarship program.

Like I said that wherever there is a dearth , we will be there to spread out light of educational preaching, so over here followed by MP, we have our upcoming UP scholarship, in which we are striving hard to showcase our real talent, by awarding and rewarding the exact scholarship for the deserving candidate. Although , the history is is quiet evident about the undying glory of Haryana’s contribution’s toward the growth of nation , and that too especially in terms of defense, sports and many other administration sector where every individual is gaining proper name and fame, so why our deprived and weaker section should be left behind,,, so in order to avoid these section being overshadowed in the absence of adequate facilities,, we the GOENKANS are rubbing ourselves , day in and night out to organize various other scholarship and various other loyalty program to overcome that obstacles.

In order to justify every verticals, here we have scholarship Haryana , because somebody has said very correctly, ‘charity begins at home, ‘so with this mindset, we are having the privilege of organizing scholarship exams, but that let me make one thing very clear, that those exam would not be everybody’s cup of tea, to avail the facility , one has to implement rigorous preparation in his/ her examination pattern, and appropriate scholarship will be awarded to the eligible recipients.

Nowadays, as everybody is tech – savvy, so online scholarship facility would be there , in order to save time, energy , paper and many more. So if we have online scholarship facility , so how can we overview scholarship portal, to reach to everybody in general, nowadays, as we are observing damn hectic schedule, so to overcome that the concept of online portal is being implemented. Where one can apply online, where one can see all the updates and the upcoming examination schedule and various other performance….

This is just the beginning of a new dawn……let see……where it takes……but wherever it thing for sure…the journey is endless..and we are yet to cross many milestones coming our ways…..

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