Discipline your tweens the right way

It is often said that once your child starts growing, they understand the difference between good and bad. Basically, they learn to differentiate the evil and good. By the age they attain their teenage, they are sensible enough to judge what the best is and what the worst is for them. However, out of all, one of the most confusing ages is between 9 to 12.

The age between 9 to 12 is often referred to as the tween years of the child. During this age, the kids have the desire to behave and act like teenagers. Although it may appear to be helpful, it can eventually depict negative behaviors. This is usually lead to portrayal of behaviours such as telling, bunking school, lying and arguing.

One major problem in this case is that you can’t employ the regular methods of maintaining the disciple. Many people have also observed their tweens becoming indulged in smoking and alcoholism. This is also one such age where the risk of drug addiction increases. If you want your child to be a responsible citizen, you should prefer employing strict discipline strategies. This is usually because it can cause serious negative problems later on.

Some of the steps you should take to ensure proper discipline in the kids include the following

Model the right behavior
If you want your kids to develop the right behavior, you should work towards modeling their behavior. Following the behavior will prove to be much more helpful than just following. Kids and tweens tend to learn more from the parents than the rules. As a result, you should work towards exhibiting your own positive behavior of patience and also good values of life. Once you have modeled the behavior for them, they will make sure to follow the rules as well. This will further be helpful to guide your tween through a variety of steps.

Prepare the rules
If you want a responsible teen, you need to bring up a responsible tween. Since these tweens think that they are already grown-ups, you should work towards solving their problems. As a parent, you should make rules for your tween in every aspect such as school, study, activity and dress. You should always remind your tween about what you expect from them. It is during this age that the tweens become addicted to social media, and sports. You should always keep a check on their internet activity to stay updated. It is good to give them privacy but not so much that it becomes a problem later on.

Ignore mild behavior
Since your child is growing up, it is natural for them to become irritated. Moreover, they may argue with you in certain case. Your child will also resort to such means. They will make sure to cry and argue if they feel that anything is against them. Well, if you notice such behaviour, you should make sure to ignore them. Ignore all their tantrums will eventually lead to them giving up. If you don’t give in to their unnecessary tantrums, they will surely understand the values and meaning of discipline.

Take away all the privileges
Modern day parents tend to bestow their kids with all sorts of privileges in the name of love. Well, this may seem like love but you are actually running your child. If your child fails to follow a rule, make sure to confiscate their privileges. If you punish them for their activities, they will be able to understand. However, punishing itself may have a negative impact. Thus, you may prefer taking away their privileges. This will make them realise their mistakes and they will work towards correcting them.

The tweens today are entirely based on technology. You can prefer asking them to join extracurricular activities. GD Goenka School, Rohtak is one of the most prominent schools for extracurricular activities. Making them take part in such activities will help to instill positive value in your child. Moreover, you will be able to nurture positive and responsible citizens.

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