

The trend of international schools in India is gradually growing. Undoubtedly it is one of the fastest-growing trends and is, therefore, proving to be helpful for the students. The international schools are beneficial for the students as they are aimed at following a very comprehensive approach of education. As a result, the students are becoming...
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Boarding schools have often been stereotyped as the strict place in India. However, although people are scared, boarding schools in India have proved to be better. Moreover, it is time that the parents give up on their preconceived notion. With the coming in of the modern boarding schools in India, a lot of things from...
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In the growing stage, it is extremely necessary to Foster a healthy father and daughter relationship. This is one crucial step towards the development of the child. A healthy relationship between daughter and father can eventually help in boosting the self-confidence and helps them become successful. The positive impact of father upon the daughter can...
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It is often said that once your child starts growing, they understand the difference between good and bad. Basically, they learn to differentiate the evil and good. By the age they attain their teenage, they are sensible enough to judge what the best is and what the worst is for them. However, out of all,...
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Extracurricular activities have always formed to be a major part of the student’s education. A positive environment is always known to involve a better learning experience for the kids. The top 20 boarding schools in India are enriched with a wide range of co-curricular activities for the upliftment of the students. The boarding schools are...
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Indian parents have always been very apprehensive of sending their children to boarding schools. This is usually because not all of them are in the habit of staying away from their kids. However, the leading boarding schools in India have proven to be the hub for prominent education, quality extracurricular activities, and eventually, the overall...
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Quality education has always been a top priority for students across the globe. Numerous Indian schools have made their mark on the international list when it comes to providing quality education. A school providing quality education, offering co-curriculum activities, and helping in the overall upliftment of the child is often regarded as the best school...
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National level Robotronics competition (IRC Nationals) was held at Thyagaraj Stadium, New Delhi on 16th December, 2017 in which 16 students of GD GOENKA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ROHTAK from four different teams have qualified for INTERNATIONAL ROBOTRONICS COMPETITION, which will be held at DUBAI in June 2018. Giving Tough competitions to 100 teams of 52 different...
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Onam is an annual festival with origins in Kerala, heralding peace and prosperity. It falls in the Malayalam calendar month of CHINGAM. This festival commemorates King Mahabali, Vamana (Vishnu Avatar) related mythology of Hinduism. It is a major annual event for Malayalee people as a start of new year along with summer harvest and celebrated...
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Dear Parents, This is to notify parents of students studying French language from grade 5th to 8th. I have already given to students all details last week of “INTERNATIONAL FRENCH EXAM COMPETITION” for which entry first is at State Level and students who secure above 50% become eligible for entry at National Level. This is...
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