

ICE CREAM DAY Ice-cream  ice-cream You are so cold White, pink and brownish And colours many more   Ice cream ice cream You are always in trend But you are children’ Summer best friend…   The frozen desserts, flavours and sweeteners are all that makes ice-cream children’s favorite summer delight. GD Goenka International School, Rohtak...
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Green and healthy environment is the key of happy life. At GD Goenka International School, Rohtak, we nurture young minds to create happy and safe environment for all. Today, Junior classes (Pre-Nursery to Grade 2)  celebrated Earth Day with great zeal and enthusiasm. The tiny tots planted saplings and learnt about plants. In the classrooms,...
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Kids love to search color by numbers. Searching colors names with counting in FRENCH is a great educational tool that helps children develop fine Motor Skills, Creativity and Color recognition. Students of Grade 6th participated in chasing the Color Name Game with numbers by finding out individually from Cards. They played this game very interestingly...
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Holi is the festival of colors and sweets. It brings along with itself the color of joy, brotherhood, enjoyment and optimism. Holi reminds us the fact that loves and truth are two divine forces in the universe. To show love and joy to everyone in GD Goenka International School Rohtak, grade Pre-Nursery and Nursery celebrated...
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Many people assume that creativity is an inborn talent that their kids either pass or do not pass. But actually all children are creative. It is a skill parents and teacher can help their kids develop. So in accordance with this perspective. Grade –IV students have participated in an event which is completely based on...
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The Students of Grade 5, 6, 7 participated in the Competition and prepared Vegetable Salad, Rainbow Salad, Russian Salad, Mexican Salad, Sandwich Salad using commonly available ingredients. The participants of each Grade explained the specialty of their Salad and also the importance of including salad in our regular diet for maintaining good health and keeping...
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Students of class 9th and 10th got recognition for their excellent performance in academics and other coordination activities.  Nitesh Dahiya of 10th class has been gladdened for nice work and for performing the best supporting role in monitoring the class.  Shubham Panchal   was exhilarated for scoring highest marks in Inter School Psychological Aptitude test held...
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Today “Red Day” was celebrated at GD Goenka International School Rohtak. In order to infuse the concept of red color to the tiny toddlers. The GD Goenka School Rohtak pre-primary wing celebrated “RED DAY” in the school premises. RED RED RED everywhere 21st October 2016 was a day to remember. Teachers and children of pre-nursery...
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GD Goenka Rohtak organized a small excursion for the little toddlers to “BREWBERRY” which is in the D-Park, in the heart of the city. Going on excursion is not just an entertainment trip but it is also an opportunity to experience life beyond the class room with their teachers, peers or family. Such excursions help...
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The habit of letter writing is dying out with invention of short messaging service and mails. To create interest among students, we conducted Hindi Application Writing Competition for the students of 3rd B and they displayed great zeal and enthusiasm. The topic was writing a letter to the Principal for taking medical leave. Almost all...
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