Can habits change a student’s life?

Habits can change a student’s life

What is a habit?

Any behavior or action that a person engage on regular basis is termed as a habit. It can also be termed as building blocks of daily routines which can shape the thoughts, actions and feelings of any person.


It is said that humans are creatures of habits. A routine is developed when a lot of habits of a person come together and this routine determines about a human’s capabilities in present and what he is capable of doing in future.

That is why, a student’s success is directly dependent on his habits. Infact some scientists believe that humans need to stop setting goals and start building good habits instead, these habits will give them structure to reach their goals in life.

GD Goenka Boarding School Rohtak has laid a qualitative foundation for students by ensuring to inculcate the good habits in the students. The list of such activities is explained below:

  • Early wake up.
  • Offer prayers to God and express gratitude.
  • Mandatory morning breakfast.
  • Prepare to-do list.
  • Follow a daily time table.
  • Organize the living space.
  • Study on proper table and chair, avoid sitting on beds.
  • Participate in every discussion.
  • Drink atleast 8 glasses of water everyday.
  • Take 8-9 hours of sleep regularly.
  • Schedule some time for physical fitness.
  • Eat meals on time.
  • Meditate on regular basis.
  • Value each minute of your time.

According to the study, there is not any secret or pill for success instead it’s an effort on daily basis that has to be carried out in certain way adopting excellent habits in a daily routine. Students need to be guided about these habits and should be monitored if they are following. Adhering to these beautiful habits will not just bring success to a student’s life but will also make them a healthy and positive human being which is of greater importance to them.

Best affordable boarding school in Haryana, have initiated this trend of fostering the positive habits among students in order to utilize the full potential they carry and sometimes of which they are unaware about.

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