
Effective Tips to Avoid Sleep While Studying
Students work hard and give their 100 % to perform well in academics and infact thrive to excel. To achieve this, they need dedicated and focused study time on all days. But exam times are generally stressful for students, with physical and mental stress affecting the body. And studying late nights can make students feel sleepy. There are few effective ways to improve their concentration levels while studying by making...
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Strategies that students must follow to deal with exam stress
Exam stress can cause anxiety and depression in students. This can lead to them making mistakes. There is now a growing focus on student mental health and finding ways to reduce stress during exams. Dealing with exam pressure varies among students. Some find it challenging, while others handle it easily. If you struggle with exam tension, it’s important to remember that stressing yourself will only hinder your performance. Many Top...
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Mathematics is not mere a subject, it is way of living a life! (1)
Mathematics transcends age, culture, and geography. It is a vital tool for understanding and describing the world around students. Mathematics helps the students recognize connections and patterns in various contexts, including nature and business. In India, where the educational landscape is constantly evolving, the significance of mathematics cannot be overstated. A substantial number of students experience math anxiety, highlighting the need to integrate math into daily routines from an early...
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Habits can change a student’s life
What is a habit? Any behavior or action that a person engage on regular basis is termed as a habit. It can also be termed as building blocks of daily routines which can shape the thoughts, actions and feelings of any person. Introduction: It is said that humans are creatures of habits. A routine is developed when a lot of habits of a person come together and this routine determines...
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GDGIS Rohtak
A research conducted by specialists’ states that the students of boarding school are much more competent to earn advanced degrees, as compared to day scholars. The parents are shifting their priorities from sending their child to day schools to boarding schools because of the quality and holistic development the residential schools are focusing and providing. Now the parents are unable to take the decision that at what age they should...
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