
Teaching responsibility to your child is immensely important as it helps them become confident decision-makers and motivated individuals. It can be done at any age with the right strategies. Teaching responsibility in parenting requires patience, encouragement, and clear expectations. It can be a positive process if you focus on your goals. Children find joy in taking on responsibility rather than seeing it as a burden. Being able to respond to...
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Tips to sit for Long hours to study
Studying is challenging, especially during exams. It requires motivation, focus, and forming a habit of studying for long hours. This article explains the importance of studying efficiently and managing time effectively. It also mentions the possibility of studying for longer periods without losing focus. This is the right place for you students who are looking for tips to sit for long hours to study. The Best Boarding Schools in India...
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How Working Mothers should Bond with their Children
Working mothers often miss out on spending time with their children and important moments due to work. However, it is still possible for them to develop a strong bond with their child by creating bonding rituals, even if it means sacrificing an extra hour per workday. This statement encourages working mothers not to feel guilty and emphasizes that all mothers are equal, whether they choose to stay at home or...
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Why First Meal of the day is crucial for students
Research indicates that children who eat breakfast before school tend to have better academic success. It is important not to send hungry children to school as it may hinder their ability to learn. If having breakfast at home is not possible, parents should consider enrolling their children in the breakfast program offered by The Best Boarding Schools in North India. Many schools provide free or discounted meals for eligible families...
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Tips to become fearless and confident
Successful people are praised for being fearless but living fearlessly doesn’t mean having no fear. It means taking risks, pursuing big dreams despite discomfort. Fear can be useful as a teaching tool or warning sign. Identifying productive and unproductive fears helps in personal growth and self-improvement. Like the children who study in The Top Residential Schools in India are the most courageous, brave and confident children amongst the others. 1)...
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