
Technology is there in every aspect of life. Undoubtedly, technology is one of the most important parts of life. Technology has formed major grounds in our lives. People from all age groups are so deeply embedded in technology that most of us have often forgotten about the important aspect of our lives. If you look around yourself, even the toddlers of this generation are so much hooked to technology. Hence,...
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The trend of international schools in India is gradually growing. Undoubtedly it is one of the fastest-growing trends and is, therefore, proving to be helpful for the students. The international schools are beneficial for the students as they are aimed at following a very comprehensive approach of education. As a result, the students are becoming an active part of the connected world. One essential thing to note is that there...
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Boarding schools have often been stereotyped as the strict place in India. However, although people are scared, boarding schools in India have proved to be better. Moreover, it is time that the parents give up on their preconceived notion. With the coming in of the modern boarding schools in India, a lot of things from the past have changed. The boarding school system of India was lying very far behind...
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In the growing stage, it is extremely necessary to Foster a healthy father and daughter relationship. This is one crucial step towards the development of the child. A healthy relationship between daughter and father can eventually help in boosting the self-confidence and helps them become successful. The positive impact of father upon the daughter can help in nurturing positive opinions, decisions and self-esteem. A father is the first man in...
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It is often said that once your child starts growing, they understand the difference between good and bad. Basically, they learn to differentiate the evil and good. By the age they attain their teenage, they are sensible enough to judge what the best is and what the worst is for them. However, out of all, one of the most confusing ages is between 9 to 12. The age between 9...
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