
School is the environment there a student comes to study. Therefore, it is important at the student feels secure and safe in the school campus. Safety in the school is not only beneficial for the students but also for the Teachers and for all the staff members of the school. Since a school houses hundreds of students and the same time, therefore such a huge gathering of children can be...
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The Indian government has been trying to enhance the quality of education since the time of independence. There have been numerous policies and schemes that aimed at providing better education for everyone, irrespective of caste and religion. Indian constitution allows children with the right to education, which means that education isn’t just something that children want, it is their right. Leading schools in India like G.D. Goenka have been introducing...
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Teaching every student in a class in an effective way is a quite difficult job to do as students lose interest in the middle of the lessons and their mind keeps on diverting. To grab their attention and hold it throughout, the lesson requires you to practice some effective teaching strategies that could make your student learn easily. Schools like GD Goenka, Rohtak provide the systematic study structure to their...
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Education is the key which places as above all other animals on earth. How many time educations for academic is considered as nearly something which has to be studied to gain mark in order to have a good job in future. Although we do not realize, study of academic subjects develops a set of very important skills inside us. Study of academic subjects as a lot of effect on our...
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Studying is important for leading a successful life. However, to be successful in today’s highly competitive world, the intensive study is very important. The biggest problem of studying is that it is easy to lose interest in studies but very hard to region interest in it in the world of technology it is even easier to lose interest in studying and get engrossed in something else for hours without realizing....
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