1) GD Goenka International School, Rohtak GDGIS is Best boarding school in India with Low Fees and considered one of the best, operated by the GD Goenka Group. GDGIS Rohtak is a highly regarded international educational organization that provides quality education. International boarding schools have become popular as they offer unique and successful educational approaches. Many parents and children choose the best boarding schools in India for various reasons, including...Read More
Passion is important for a fulfilling life. It motivates people to achieve their goals and helps them strive for greatness. Providing children with passion-based learning experiences, like extracurricular activities, allows them to explore different interests and find what they are passionate about. Children who have a passion for something in life are more likely to protect their passion. Engagement is beneficial for both adults and children. It adds meaning to...Read More
The 4Cs in education are not new but innovative. The teachers at The Top Boarding Schools in India have always used them in learning and teaching process. The Four C’s ingredients are free, user-friendly, and don’t need special skills or tools. Teachers can cultivate a mindset to apply these principles to themselves and create opportunities for students. While experts recommend that students should take responsibility for their own learning and...Read More
Academic life is both rewarding and challenging for students, but with the right strategies and mindset, students can overcome obstacles and experience growth. Students may face various academic challenges, such as time management issues and difficulties in understanding new concepts. GD Goenka International School, Rohtak aims to empower students with strategies to overcome these challenges and succeed academically. This article discusses effective methods for students to overcome academic challenges and...Read More
Books are a valuable source of information for self-learners. They contain the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of skilled authors, making them beneficial to the children. Books provide an endless supply of knowledge in art, literature, science, and philosophy. They also help pass knowledge from one generation to another, contributing to the progress of civilizations. Reading is important for a child’s development. It’s beneficial to introduce books by Indian authors to...Read More