Is there any need for world-class higher education in India?

Education secures the future of the youth and country as well. Quality education given to the child is more important than focusing on the quantity. India has thousands of universities and millions of students studying in these universities but the main point is whether these universities are giving quality education to the students. The need for world-class higher education in India is very much needed for boosting up the country’s economic system. Schools must also include quality education in their classes so that children may learn beneficial things from the starting.

One of the best schools to meet up the required demands of the education system is GD Goenka Rohtak. They have special programs for the children towards quality education. All these programs and classes are held more smartly based on modern technologies which interest the students towards the studies. They make their student prepared for higher education in the future.

Population in India is increasing day by day thus increasing the unemployment. This unemployment is a major factor of poverty which is linked to the economic growth of the country. Thus, world-class higher education is the need for India so that every youth is highly educated and employed. This, will also aid to a great deal in curbing the poverty and allowing individuals to lead a healthy life.

How can you bring world-class higher education in India?

Expand the enrollment number – in India, only 20% population is taking part in higher education. These numbers are very less concerning the population of the country. Students who are rejected by the top universities by few numbers should be given a chance. The enrollment number in these universities providing quality education should be increased. They should give opportunities to students who are from rural areas and villages. Some of them can be a gem for the universities as they want to study but cannot for some reasons. Increasing the enrollment number by the good universities will benefit the universities, students, and country as well.

Build sound infrastructure – colleges in India are lacking in the term of infrastructure. It should have a good and sound infrastructure which is suitable for the students. It should include proper laboratory where all the students can do their experiment classes. These labs should have proper equipment in it so that every student can do their work without any hurdles. Shortage of anything in the colleges must be noticed and fulfilled immediately. Proper chairs, tables, and classrooms should be provided to them to create a better learning environment. Technologies should be introduced in the classrooms to teach children in a better way. Students love technology and they are more attracted to new gadgets so taking help of smart gadgets to teach them will interest them more. You can teach them easily with this and expand their knowledge beyond the books.

Focus on student main interest – Indian education believes in the quantity. This should not be followed in higher education. Universities should focus on strong subjects of their student which they are interested in and promote them to study and excel in that particular field. It will give more promising future to the student surely. There are many opportunities in every field today so the interest of the students should not be limited by a few subjects. Let them choose what interests them and they can study and learn it more quickly. Giving the burden of all the subjects to the students will not only hide their talent but also make them average student trying to excel all the subjects which are nearly impossible for many of them.

Eligible teachers who meet up the standards – universities should focus on the teachers and staff for providing the best education to the students. Good and qualified teachers who meet all the standards will be able to give their students great knowledge. Thus, taking good teachers should be always in focus for the better tomorrow.

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NDA Qualifier Harshit Rana