August 2019


Teaching every student in a class in an effective way is a quite difficult job to do as students lose interest in the middle of the lessons and their mind keeps on diverting. To grab their attention and hold it throughout, the lesson requires you to practice some effective teaching strategies that could make your...
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Education is the key which places as above all other animals on earth. How many time educations for academic is considered as nearly something which has to be studied to gain mark in order to have a good job in future. Although we do not realize, study of academic subjects develops a set of very...
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Studying is important for leading a successful life. However, to be successful in today’s highly competitive world, the intensive study is very important. The biggest problem of studying is that it is easy to lose interest in studies but very hard to region interest in it in the world of technology it is even easier...
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Holistic education is a very rarely heard topic in the world. However, it is very much in use everywhere. It is a type of education which has aimed at developing a child from social, artistic, creativity, emotional and intellectual potentials. It is a comparatively new aspect of education but it has succeeded in making its...
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People are usually of two types in the world: the ones who love speaking in public and the ones who are scared when it comes to doing so. Performance anxiety and stage fright is common among many people and is one common phenomenon. However, you should work towards developing and overcoming stage fright. Once you...
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Stress is one of the inevitable parts of student life. While a mild amount of stress is healthy and helpful for the students, too much of it can prove to be harmful. Moreover, too much stress will eventually impact the daily life of students and interfere with studies. Different factors affect and induce stress level...
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The children today are the future of tomorrow. They are the ones who will be responsible citizens of tomorrow. Hence, the growth of children will eventually be related to the growth of the country. The education system can eventually reflect the overall growth. Hence, schools have an important role to play in a student’s life....
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If you have more than one kid around the house, be sure that they are going to fight a lot. Sibling fights are one of the most common scenarios and yet one of the most difficult ones to resolve. If the sibling fights aren’t taken care of from a young age, it can foster a...
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Technology is there in every aspect of life. Undoubtedly, technology is one of the most important parts of life. Technology has formed major grounds in our lives. People from all age groups are so deeply embedded in technology that most of us have often forgotten about the important aspect of our lives. If you look...
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The trend of international schools in India is gradually growing. Undoubtedly it is one of the fastest-growing trends and is, therefore, proving to be helpful for the students. The international schools are beneficial for the students as they are aimed at following a very comprehensive approach of education. As a result, the students are becoming...
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