September 2016


Young minds can think new and big things and with clay the task becomes quite easy, exciting and long lasting. Clay Modelling competition was held on 26th Sep 2016 (Monday). The event was conducted in Art Room. Students of nursery, K.G, 1st and 2nd classes participated with a lot of gaiety and enthusiasm in the Clay...
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A SGFI school state level under-17 boxing championship was held at Bheem Stadium Bhiwani from 5th to 7th September 2016. In this championship a student of GD Goenka International School Rohtak, Surya won bronze medal. We congratulate Surya and our boxing coach Deepak Dhankhar for this achievement. A RGFI 6th national under-17 boxing championship was held at CGS...
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SGFI State boys shooting championship was held in Rattan Convent School at Faridabad from 17th to 19th Sep 2016. In this championship twelve Goenkans had participated and a student, Param Dalal of GD Goenka International School Rohtak won a Bronze Medal. SGFI State Girls shooting championship was held in SRS International School at Faridabad from...
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Welcome to the wonderful world of swimming. Today we organized a refreshing activity for the tiny tots of our school GD Goenka International School. All the children of Pre-Nursery, Nursery & K.G. class were encouraged to independently be in the water with the instructor. All the children turned up their colorful swim suits. The tiny...
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GD Goenka Rohtak organized a small excursion for the little toddlers to “BREWBERRY” which is in the D-Park, in the heart of the city. Going on excursion is not just an entertainment trip but it is also an opportunity to experience life beyond the class room with their teachers, peers or family. Such excursions help...
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The habit of letter writing is dying out with invention of short messaging service and mails. To create interest among students, we conducted Hindi Application Writing Competition for the students of 3rd B and they displayed great zeal and enthusiasm. The topic was writing a letter to the Principal for taking medical leave. Almost all...
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GDGIS, Rohtak celebrated Teachers’ Day on 5th September as a day of honouring teachers and paying a tribute to their valuable contribution to the society. Teachers not only impart knowledge and enlighten but also shape the career of students. They are the role models for their students. They are the main driving force, an inspiration...
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A SGFI Distt. Cricket Tournament was held at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Rohtak on 24th August 2016. Three students of our school have been selected for state level tournament, under – 14 will be held at Gurgram from 21-09-2016 to 23-09-2016 and under – 17 will be held at Jhajjar from 08-10-2016 to 10-10-2016. We congratulate...
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English Language Week was celebrated at G.D. Goenka International School, Rohtak.  by organizing many activities. For Grade 3 and 4, Grammar Quiz was conducted. Winners for which have already been declared. For Grade 5 and 6, Creative Writing Competition was held. The topics were- Festivals or How we Celebrated Independence Day. Many students gave excellent write-ups...
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Let us stop striving to prepare a future for our children, let us prepare them for the FUTURE !!! More than three-fourths of the student population go unrecognized in schools or are misjudged and considered failures, by their virtue of their wanting in linguistic competencies. To enhance the English Language Skills and develop the communicative...
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